The Nation’s premier Remote Patient Monitoring service, offering comprehensive and unparalleled support for the patients.

Diska RPM stands as the foremost Remote Patient Monitoring service in the nation, offering unparalleled support to patients. As the leading provider of Remote Patient Monitoring services nationwide, Diska RPM provides a comprehensive solution that encompasses all aspects of RPM.

Our Products

Mitigating Hospital Readmissions

At the core of our commitment is the welfare of our patients. Utilizing Diska RPM, we equip you with state-of-the-art tools for monitoring patient health remotely, empowering individuals to stay connected from the comfort of their homes. Anticipate health trends proactively and avert potential crises before they manifest.

Efficient Patient Onboarding for Streamlined Operations

Remote Patient Monitoring, backed by its effective outreach strategies and a dedicated onboarding team, ensures a smooth transition to the use of connected devices in the management of chronic conditions, prioritizing the well-being of patients. This holistic approach not only fosters health but also elevates the overall quality of care.

Enhancing Patient Contentment

The dedicated care professionals and services within Diska's Remote Patient Monitoring play a pivotal role in fostering the health and happiness of patients. These elements are crucial for the sustained success of any healthcare practice in the long run.

What is Remote Patient Monitoring?

Remote Patient Monitoring, or RPM, is revolutionizing the way healthcare providers monitor patients with chronic conditions. By utilizing IOT devices such as blood pressure cuffs, glucose meters, and oximeters, RPM enables the continuous, daily monitoring of patient data that can be shared and analyzed by healthcare providers. This data allows healthcare providers to make informed decisions about their patients’ care and treatment, improving the quality of care while reducing healthcare costs. Importantly, many private insurances and Medicare support RPM services (CPT® billing codes 99453, 99454, 99457, and 99458), making it more accessible for patients to receive the care they need. With the ongoing advancements in technology and healthcare, RPM is becoming an increasingly valuable tool in the world of medicine.

A well-executed Remote Patient Monitoring program encompasses the following key stages:

Streamlined Patient Onboarding Process

Discover qualified candidates who are eligible for Remote Patient Monitoring. Medicare, Medicaid, and numerous private insurers provide coverage for patients with chronic conditions. Explore the list of eligible chronic conditions for Remote Patient Monitoring and learn more.

Choose the right device. Remote Patient Monitoring encompasses devices for chronic conditions such as a blood pressure cuff for hypertension or a blood glucose meter for diabetes.

Diska RPM is compatible with a wide range of cellular-enabled medical devices.
Discover the ease of setting up Remote Patient Monitoring devices with a demo from our knowledgeable Patient Onboarding team.

Uncover the secrets to effortless patient training and setup.

After completing the training, you can bill Medicare once using CPT® Code 99453, which has an average value of $19.16.

Data Collection and Analysis

As the patient utilizes their cellular-connected medical device to capture daily readings of their blood pressure, heart rate, blood glucose, or other physiological data, it is imperative that a licensed medical provider reviews this information to monitor for any potential issues. With Diska RPM, you, as the prescribing medical provider, have the option to personally review the data or take advantage of our team of licensed medical providers who are available 24 hours a day for review. Discover more about our dedicated Patient Care team.

As time progresses, patterns in the patient’s readings start to become apparent. Thanks to Remote Patient Monitoring, it becomes feasible to identify issues before they escalate to the point where the patient requires emergency room care.

The Diska RPM Doctor portal utilizes the power of Artificial Intelligence and Data Analysis to effectively prioritize patients who may require attention.

Subsequently, the Patient Care Team can identify issues and take necessary action on your behalf.

In this analysis, Diska enables billing for CPT® Code 99457 and CPT® Code 99458, resulting in a monthly reimbursement of $133.61.

Patient Compliance

Diska’s Remote Patient monitoring program boasts a remarkable 30% increase in patient compliance compared to its competitors.

For patients who use the device for 16 days or more in a 30-day period and achieve at least two readings or alerts, Medicare offers reimbursement at a rate of $55.84 using CPT® Code 99454.

Diska’s Remote Patient Monitoring Program achieves excellent compliance rates by leveraging our cellular-connected medical devices and the dedicated support of our Patient Care Team. This winning combination ensures that patients receive personalized care while staying connected to their healthcare providers.


Billing insurance for CPT® codes like 99453, 99454, 99457, and 99458 can become confusing due to their differing billing cycles and pre-requirements. Moreover, many average practices often need to allocate additional resources, such as new staff or extended hours, to effectively manage the sorting and billing process for each CPT® code with insurers.

Diska’s Remote Patient Monitoring program simplifies this process by handling all the calculations for compliance, managing separate billing cycles, and generating bills effortlessly. You won’t have to lift a finger.

Our Billing Team is fully equipped to manage billing for Medicare, Medicaid, and Private Insurers on your behalf with utmost professionalism and efficiency.

Diska Health Difference

Flexible Connected Bundled Solutions

Integrated devices, applications, and connectivity encompass support, training, and program design, fostering an ecosystem of seamless interconnectivity.

Support Team
Over the course of our 14+ years of offering telehealth solutions, we have gained valuable insights. We are eager to share our expertise and assist you in any way possible!
Distribution & Logistics
Rest assured, we take care of the delivery and installation so that your patients can effortlessly access and engage with the necessary tools.
Integrated Partner Network
Our comprehensive services, including Technical and Clinical Support, Assessment, Deployment, and Financing, are designed to eliminate obstacles and ensure a swift start.

Why use Remote Patient Monitoring?

Research indicates that Remote Patient Monitoring leads to a remarkable 75% decrease in hospital readmissions. Patients express a high level of satisfaction with the program, with an impressive 95% rate, often mentioning how much they feel cared for by their doctors. Additionally, physicians experience a significant 30% increase in doctor’s visits from the Remote Patient Monitoring pool.

Improving Patient Health and Enhancing Satisfaction

➤ Remote Patient Monitoring effectively identifies issues before patients require emergency room care.
➤ Patients appreciate the assurance of daily health monitoring.
➤ Medical practices implementing Remote Patient Monitoring typically experience a 30% rise in patient visits and a remarkable 72% reduction in hospitalizations.

Generate Significant Revenue

➤ On average, a practice has the potential to generate an additional $359,104 in revenue per year.
➤ This calculation is based on the national yearly average with 200 active patients.
➤ The best part is, there are no upfront or ongoing equipment costs, and you can start billing within days of signing up.

Save Money and Retain Patients

➤ Enhanced patient retention and reduced costs stem from decreased hospitalizations and improved patient satisfaction.
➤ For organizations like ACOs that emphasize cost-based compensation, Remote Patient Monitoring has been demonstrated to effectively lower hospitalization rates, resulting in average savings of $2,712 per patient annually.

How does Remote Patient Monitoring work?


Contact us to schedule a 15-minute demo and experience the unparalleled software and services of Diska RPM. 


Sign up with zero upfront costs and zero risk. 




Easily identify patients with chronic conditions or let our onboarding team handle the task for you. 



Begin billing within days of signing up, as our dedicated Billing Team takes care of everything for you.  


Start earning passive income while your practice seamlessly continues regular operations. 

Discover the power of Diska RPM today by scheduling a personalized demonstration.


Frequently Asked Questions

How can I properly bill for RPM services?

Our dedicated staff is here to handle that crucial aspect for you. Billing for RPM can be complex due to specific requirements and billing cycles associated with different codes. Our software platform takes care of all the intricate details, effortlessly calculating everything and generating the necessary billing forms on your behalf.

Which chronic conditions are eligible for remote patient monitoring?

Remote Patient Monitoring can cover a wide range of chronic conditions, including but not limited to: Alcohol Abuse, Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementia, Arthritis (Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid), Asthma, Atrial Fibrillation, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Cancer (Breast, Colorectal, Lung, and Prostate), Chronic Kidney Disease, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Depression, Diabetes, Drug Abuse/Substance Abuse, Heart Failure, Hepatitis (Chronic Viral B & C), HIV/AIDS, Hyperlipidemia (High cholesterol), Hypertension (High blood pressure), Ischemic Heart Disease, Osteoporosis, Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders, Stroke.

Reasons to Choose Diska RPM

Diska RPM offers a comprehensive Remote Patient Monitoring system designed to simplify and streamline physician workflows. Our approach begins with a proven method of onboarding patients with chronic conditions, supported by a team of specialists. We provide a range of high-quality connected devices, including scales, glucose meters, and more, accompanied by user-friendly software. Our dedicated care professionals monitor patients with chronic conditions daily, collaborating closely with physicians to ensure optimal health outcomes. Discover how Diska RPM’s customized tools, core features, and proven processes can drive success.

Other companies often prioritize onboarding and quickly adding as many patients as possible to their platform, without considering the ongoing performance of the program. Their focus is primarily on attracting more venture capital funding, as increased patient numbers serve as a means to that end. As a self-funded company, we have been operating in the telemedicine industry for several years. Our extensive network has already provided care to millions of patients.

Ensuring patient satisfaction goes beyond just enrolment; it’s about providing a system they can’t imagine living without. Our goal is to deliver invaluable value that leaves a lasting impact.

Comparison: Diska RPM Process vs. Other RPM Vendors

Diska RPM is dedicated to supporting you throughout the entire lifespan of your RPM program. Unlike other RPM companies that focus solely on adding patients to boost their profits, Diska RPM places the utmost importance on your patients’ well-being and satisfaction. We prioritize their experience and health above all else.

Diska RPM

Other Vendors


Data Collection

Patient Compliance

Insurance Billing


Increased Patient Health and Revenue

Questions for Competitors

Before committing to another Remote Patient Monitoring company, it’s crucial to inquire about the following:

  • Do you offer comprehensive patient care, including onboarding and billing services?
  • Is your company and technology fully based in the United States, ensuring HIPAA compliance and the protection of sensitive patient data?
  • In the event of patient device issues or non-compliance, do you have dedicated human support rather than relying solely on text and email communication?
  • Does your solution incorporate both computer programs and human expertise to identify patient trends and understand individual nuances? Can your AI build personal relationships with patients to ensure their daily happiness and well-being?
  • Once I enroll in your program, what is your commitment to ensuring smooth operations, patient compliance, and my understanding of the intricacies of running a remote patient monitoring program?
  • Are you seeking a partnership or primarily focused on maximizing profit to attract Silicon Valley investors?

Want to learn more?

Schedule a meeting by filling out the form below.
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